Ancient times
Skirts have been worn since prehistoric times. They were the standard dressing for men and women in all ancient cultures in the Middle East. The Kingdom of Sumer in Mesopotamia recorded two categories of clothing. The ritual attire for men was a fur skirt tied to a belt called Kaunakes.The oldest item of women's clothing that's ever been found is a linen dress called the Tarkhan dress. It is from Ancient Egypt's first dynasty and is believed to be over five thousand years old.The Great Male Renunciation (French: Grande Renonciation masculine) is the historical phenomenon at the end of the 18th century in which wealthy Western men stopped using bright colours, elaborate shapes and variety in their dress, which were left to women's clothing.
Who were skirts originally made for : Records show that a straw-woven skirt dating to 3900 BC was discovered in Armenia at the Areni-1 cave complex. Historically, skirts were simple yet practical garments that protected both men and women from the elements and allowed them to move more freely during physical labour.
What gender were dresses originally made for
Skirts and dresses were everyday attire for most of humanity's ancient civilizations, regardless of gender. Egyptians wore schenti which were simple wrap around skirts, belted at the waist and sometimes pleated or gathered in the front.
When did dresses become gendered : TLDR, gendered clothing as we know it today started in the 19th century, for a variety of reasons. Previously, differences in dress primarily distinguished between social classes.
History shows us that items such as dresses, high heels and different forms of makeup were not only worn by men but were initially made for them.
From the mid-16th century until the late 19th or early 20th century, young boys in the Western world were unbreeched and wore gowns or dresses until an age that varied between two and eight.
Were skirts originally made for guys
But men wearing skirts are not a new phenomenon. Back in the ancient world, Egyptian males wore gauze-like fabric around their waists. The Romans and Greeks had togas and chitons, which served as a symbol of elite status and class. Even the Aztecs were depicted to wear woven skirts based on historical drawings.Perhaps the most obvious function of dress is to provide warmth and protection. Many scholars believe, however, that the first crude garments and ornaments worn by humans were designed not for utilitarian but for religious or ritual purposes.The history of men wearing skirts and dresses is a long and varied one. It is believed that the first men to wear skirts were actually Roman soldiers. They wore skirts because they found them to be more comfortable and practical than pants or trousers.
So if you concern the Middle Ages historiographically (5–15 centuries), 85% of the period men were wearing “dresses”. If you concern culturally (11–15th) – 70% of the Middle Ages men were wearing “dresses”.